The Best-Selling Botany Books of All Time

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Book Cover of Michael Pollan - The Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World
| 2001 | 271 Pages
  • #98 Best Seller in Botany on Amazon
Recommended by Peter Grinspoon
Peter GrinspoonThis is a spectacular lecture by michaelpollan about #cannabis, memory & botany. 'Botany of Desire' a wonderful book. This lecture is amazing.
Michael Pollan: "Cannabis, The Importance of Forgetting, and the Botany ..
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Book Cover of National Audubon Society - National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms (National Audubon Society Field Guides)
| 1981 | 928 Pages
  • #2 Best Seller in Mushrooms in Biological Sciences on Amazon
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Botany Book made by AI

By TailoredRead – AI that creates personalized books for you 

| 2024 | 30-300 pages
Learn Botany faster with a book created specifically for you by state-of-the-art AI. Our AI has vast knowledge of Botany, and will craft a custom-tailored book for you in just 10 minutes. This tailored book addresses YOUR unique interests, goals, knowledge level, and background. Available for online reading, PDF download, and Kindle, your custom book will provide personalized insights to help you learn faster, expand your horizons, and accomplish your goals. Embark on your Botany learning journey with a personalized book - made exclusively for you.
Recommended for: 
All readers across all knowledge levels.
You will:
  • Get a Botany book tailored to your interests, goals, and background
  • Receive a book precisely matching your background and level of knowledge
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Book Cover of Thomas Easley, Steven Horne - The Modern Herbal Dispensatory: A Medicine-Making Guide
| 2016 | 376 Pages
Recommended for: 
Herbal enthusiasts and aspiring herbalists. Beginner to Intermediate readers.
Informative Content
Easy to Follow
Comprehensive Guide
Practical Information
Lacks Pictures
Not for Beginners
  • #424 Amazon Best Seller
  • #1 Best Seller in Naturopathy Medicine on Amazon
Recommended by Matthew Wood, Paul Bergner, Guido Mase and 1 other
Matthew WoodThis is a phenomenal addition to the herbal bookshelf. It fills the need for a large, comprehensive herbal formulary—the likes of which we have not seen for a hundred years—yet it is so much more than that: a complete guide to the serious use of herbs from the field and forest to the single remedy or formula in clinic
Paul BergnerThis is now the standard medicine-making textbook for schools of herbal medicine. It contains more methods and more forms than anything else in print, all clearly explained and demonstrated, with bonus materials on herbal energetics and materia medica
Guido MaseThe Modern Herbal Dispensatory relies on the solid foundation that comes from direct interaction with living, breathing botanicals. To this it adds a specificity gleaned from twenty-first century science: clear guidelines rooted in chemistry and physiology provide definitive answers to questions of extraction method, solvent, timing, and formulation. If you’ve ever wondered which extraction method to use for a given plant, or felt reluctant to try advanced techniques like percolation, this clear and concise reference guide will become a trusted companion. A must-have for herbal educators, clinicians, and manufacturers alike!
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