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Book Cover of Jung Chang, Jon Halliday - Mao: The Unknown Story

By Jung Chang – Irish historian and 1 more 

| 2005 | 832 Pages
Recommended for: 
History enthusiasts, political science students, and readers interested in biographies of influential figures. Intermediate to Advanced readers.
You will:
  • Discover Mao's true character and behavior
  • Understand Mao's relationships and influences
  • Learn about Mao's rise to power and ambitions
  • Explore Mao's impact on China and the world
  • Unveil Mao's personal life and relationships
  • Absolute selfishness and irresponsibility lay at the heart of Mao’s outlook.
  • The idea of forming this Communist Party did not stem from the professor, nor from any other Chinese. It originated in Moscow.
  • Mao’s peasant background did not imbue him with idealism about improving the lot of Chinese peasants.
Insightful Revelations
Startling Insights
Explosive Revelations
Engaging Biography
Authoritative Content
Distasteful Subject
Awkward Prose
  • #83 Best Seller in Historical China Biographies on Amazon
Recommended by Michael Yahuda, Richard Branson, Roy Hattersley and 6 others
Michael YahudaChang and Halliday cast new and revealing light on nearly every episode in Mao's tumultuous life…a stupendous work and one hopes that it will be brought before the Chinese people, who still claim to venerate the man and who have yet to come to terms with their own history…
Roy HattersleyJung Chang and Jon Halliday have not, in the whole of their narrative, a good word to say about Mao. In a normal biography, such an unequivocal denunciation would be both suspect and tedious. But the clear scholarship, and careful notes, of The Unknown Story provoke another reaction. Mao Tse-Tung's evil, undoubted and well-documented, is unequalled throughout modern history
Max HastingsJung Chang and Jon Halliday enter a savage indictment drawing on a host of sources, including important Soviet ones, to blow away the miasma of deceit and ignorance which still shrouds Mao's life from many Western eyes...Jung Chang delivers a cry of anguish on behalf of all of those in her native land who, to this day, are still not free to speak of these things
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