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Author of Fearless Leadership and over 60 other books in 15 languages

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Book Cover of Roberta Chinsky Matuson - Evergreen Talent: A Guide to Hiring and Cultivating a Sustainable Workforce

By Roberta Chinsky Matuson – CEO Of Matuson Consulting 

| 2020 | 208 Pages
Recommended for: 
Leaders and HR professionals seeking to build and maintain a sustainable workforce. Intermediate readers.
You will:
  • Attract, find, and keep employees for the long-term.
  • Understand the importance of developing a sustainable workforce.
  • Learn how to assess workplace environment and select talent accordingly.
  • Discover tools to help populate the organization with growing talent.
  • Understand the impact of nurturing employees for long-term success.
Practical Ideas
Pragmatic Advice
Case Studies
Best Practices
Fierce Competition
Empty Fields
  • LinkedIn Top Voices for Management & Workplace
Recommended by Alan Weiss, Jerry Golub, Aron Ain and 3 others
Alan WeissEvergreen Talent is the first book on talent that synthesizes people, processes, sustainability, and social conscious. Read this book before you hire or promote anyone ever again. You owe it to your business and yourself
Jerry GolubA comprehensive, actionable guide to the single most important ingredient of any organization’s success—attracting and retaining great talent on a sustainable basis
Aron AinIf your aim is to retain and engage employees, look no further than Roberta’s fruitful blueprint for building a workforce that grows and gives back in return
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