Eric S. YuanVerified

Founder & CEO @Zoom_us, Your happiness is my happiness. San Jose, CA

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Book Cover of Andre Iguodala, Carvell Wallace - The Sixth Man: A Memoir

By Andre Iguodala – NBA All-Star & NBA All-Defensive Team and 1 more 

| 2019 | 256 Pages
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Basketball enthusiasts, sports psychology enthusiasts, individuals interested in race relations and personal development. Intermediate readers.
You will:
  • Understand the importance of environment in personal development
  • Learn about the challenges faced by athletes
  • Appreciate the impact of positive relationships in life
  • Gain insights into race and societal issues
  • Discover the value of humility and self-control
Insightful Insights
Compelling Storytelling
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Respectful Tone
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Eric S. YuanFind your organization’s “Sixth Man (or Woman)” and you’ll be in great shape for growth! Great read, highly recommend andre’s book! zoom_us
Bill GurleyIf you love basketball, the warriors, intense tenacity, or understanding how a great team executes as one, you will love andre ‘s very candid new book, The Sixth Man, out today
Arianna HuffingtonLove this excerpt from Andre Iguodala's new book "The Sixth Man" about how he learned to believe the age-old-adage that "less is more."
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Book Cover of Tsedal Neeley - Remote Work Revolution: Succeeding from Anywhere

By Tsedal Neeley – Harvard Business School professor and leading expert in virtual and global work 

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Leaders and team members navigating challenges in remote and hybrid work environments. Intermediate to Advanced readers.
  • Longlisted for the Financial Times & McKinsey Business Book of the Year
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Eric S. YuanI often talk about the importance of trust when it comes to work: earning the trust of your employees and building trust with your customers. This book provides a blueprint for how to build and maintain that trust and connection in a digital environment
Eric RiesThrough examples and deeply researched insight, Remote Work Revolution details how to build and lead a culture of trust and inclusivity across distributed teams and time zones. It’s about what it takes to truly work together while being apart
Sarah Green CarmichaelIf you're worried about managing a remote future, tsedal's book "Remote Work Revolution" is a must-read
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