Jonathan Wilson-HartgroveVerified

Author of Strangers at My Door: A True Story of Finding Jesus in Unexpected Guests

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Book Cover of Ragan Sutterfield - This Is My Body: From Obesity to Ironman, My Journey into the True Meaning of Flesh, Spirit, and Deeper Faith

By Ragan Sutterfield – Episcopal priest & writer on health, food, ecology, and Christian spirituality 

| 2015 | 240 Pages
Recommended for: 
Readers interested in exploring the spiritual and physical connection, seeking personal growth and understanding of body image. Beginner to Intermediate readers.
You will:
  • Understand the connection between spirit, mind, and body
  • Learn about spiritual disciplines and self-image
  • Discover the importance of taking care of the whole being
  • Explore the relationship between body and soul
  • Reflect on the celebration of Communion and its significance
Brilliantly Written
Theological Reflection
Integrated Storytelling
Spiritual Transformation
Recommended by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, John Wilson, Doug Pagitt and 4 others
Jonathan Wilson-HartgroveRagan has learned from experience what our best poets have been telling us--that the key to being human in our time is a 'recovered body.' That the 'soft animal of your body' will teach you, like the wild geese, if you give it your attention. What Ragan makes so beautifully clear is how Jesus longs to love and redeem us in and through our bodies. This Is My Body is a memoir that threatens to up-end spiritual writing in the 21st century
John Wilson'We are practicing for forever.' That’s the last sentence of this remarkable book, in which Ironman meets the Jesus Prayer, and every preceding word leads up to it. At a time when so many memoirs seem to be driven by a terminal narcissism, Ragan Sutterfield’s story of transformation lifts us out of relentless self-preoccupation
Doug PagittRagan Sutterfield not only reminds us that we live our faith in our bodies, but he calls us to live with beauty, grace and strength. This is My Body is the ideal companion as we seek to live whole, healed lives in mind, body and spirit
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