Michael ScottVerified

Author of Ancient Worlds

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Book Cover of Toby Wilkinson - A World Beneath the Sands: The Golden Age of Egyptology

By Toby Wilkinson – New York Times Best-selling Author 

| 2020 | 528 Pages
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History Enthusiasts & Egyptology Scholars. Intermediate to Advanced readers.
Recommended by Michael Scott, Publisher's Weekly, The Economist and 1 other
Michael ScottFew can bring us ancient Egypt with such dynamism as Toby Wilkinson. In A World Beneath the Sands, he has excelled himself in bringing to life the intriguing and swashbuckling story of Egypt’s discovery. He shows us how much what we seek from the past has always told us about ourselves
Publisher's WeeklyWilkinson marshals a wealth of detail into a cohesive and entertaining narrative. The result is an essential portrait of how the rediscovery of '[Egypt’s] ancient past paved the way for its modern rebirth.'
The EconomistA fascinating new history
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