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Book Cover of Stuart Ritchie - Science Fictions: How Fraud, Bias, Negligence, and Hype Undermine the Search for Truth

By Stuart Ritchie – Lecturer in the Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre at King’s College London 

| 2020 | 368 Pages
Recommended for: 
Scientists, Researchers, Academics, Science Enthusiasts. Intermediate to Advanced readers.
  • Wired Highly Recommended
  • National Review Impressive Achievement
  • Kirkus Reviews Starred Review
  • Library Journal Starred Review
  • Publishers Weekly Thorough and Detailed
Recommended by Sam Bowman, Adam Rutherford, Jeffrey Flier and 8 others
Sam BowmanI found StuartJRitchie’s book Science Fictions ( to be a fascinating insight into a lot of what’s wrong with science, with a special focus on the fraud and bias that our current system encourages.
I reviewed it here:
Adam RutherfordA desperately important book. Stuart Ritchie’s much-needed work brilliantly exposes the fragility of the science on which lives, livelihoods, and our whole society depend. Required reading for everyone
Jeffrey FlierScience Fictions: How Fraud, Bias, Negligence and Hype Undermine the Search for Truth - Fantastic review by musa_alGharbi of an important book. HdxAcademy
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