Wesley LoweryVerified

Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and author of They Can’t Kill Us All: Ferguson, Baltimore, and a New Era in America’s Racial Justice Movement

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Book Cover of Justin Fenton - We Own This City: A True Story of Crime, Cops, and Corruption

By Justin Fenton – Pulitzer Prize finalist staff 

| 2021 | 352 Pages
Recommended for: 
Crime enthusiasts, journalists, law enforcement professionals. Intermediate readers.
  • In a survey of the 3,200 officers on the force, nearly a quarter said they believed the number of officers stealing money or drugs was greater than a quarter of the department.
  • The city’s top prosecutor at the time, Patricia C. Jessamy, was concerned enough about the department’s general ability to police its own that she created an internal “do not call” list of cops who were known by her office to have integrity problems but who remained on the job.
Gripping Story
Sharp Writing
Sustained Storytelling
Detailed Investigation
Emotionally Telling
  • New York Times Bestseller
  • Pulitzer Prize Finalist
Recommended by Wesley Lowery, Carrie Johnson, Wes Moore and 5 others
Wesley LoweryA tale of chaos and corruption, We Own This City is a meticulously researched account in which one of our foremost criminal justice reporters unwinds one of the biggest scandals in the history of American policing
Carrie JohnsonThe elite Baltimore cops who became criminals. New book from ⁦justin_fenton⁩ looks great
Wes MooreA remarkable story about the real-life collision of corruption, criminality, and racial profiling. Justin Fenton tells a well-written, wrenching narrative about a dark chapter in not only Baltimore’s history but in the legacy of disconnect between American citizens and those who are sworn to protect and serve them. This book is a must-read
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