The Best Productivity Books of All Time

Discover the most influential productivity books, recommended by leaders, experts, and readers worldwide

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Recommendations by Alexis Ohanian, Mark Zuckerberg, Marshall Goldsmith, David Allen and 264 others
Book Cover of Erica Schultz, Mike Schultz - Not Today: The 9 Habits of Extreme Productivity

By Erica Schultz – Business leaders Erica and Mike Schultz (you?) and 1 more 

| 2021 | 224 Pages
Recommended for: 
Business professionals seeking to enhance productivity and balance in their lives. Beginner to Intermediate readers.
You will:
  • Learn how to stay focused and positive even in difficult times.
  • Discover techniques to stop procrastinating and disrupt unproductive thought cycles.
  • Understand the importance of setting boundaries and saying no to tasks that don't serve you.
  • Learn how to work in powerful planned 'sprints' to get in the zone.
  • Discover ways to refuel your mental and physical energy.
Inspiring Story
Practical Advice
Heartfelt Approach
Recommended by Seth Godin, Tom Ziglar, Joseph Lieberman and 8 others
Seth GodinPersonal, actionable and generous, this is a book about the choices that each of us make, every single day, and the light we're capable of sharing
Tom ZiglarThis book is pure gold! If you want to be more productive and happier - then dig in because you are about to learn that when you know your Why, it transforms How you do your work and life, and this opens the doors to What you have always wanted to do
Joseph LiebermanNot Today is a memorable and inspiring book. We all have a lot to learn from Ari and the Schultz family about how to face adversity with love, courage, and optimism
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Book Cover of Ali Abdaal - Feel-Good Productivity: How to Do More of What Matters to You

By Ali Abdaal – World's most-followed productivity expert (you?) 

| 2023 | 304 Pages
Recommended for: 
Professionals seeking a happier and more fulfilling approach to productivity. Beginner to Intermediate readers.
You will:
  • Understand the science of feel-good productivity and its impact on success and happiness.
  • Discover the three hidden 'energisers' for enjoyable productivity and how to overcome blockers like procrastination.
  • Learn about the three 'sustainers' to prevent burnout and achieve lasting fulfillment.
  • Explore actionable changes to achieve more and live better, starting today.
  • Realize that productivity isn't just about accomplishing tasks but also about feeling happier and more fulfilled.
Insightful Strategies
Easy to Understand
Great Examples
Practical Advice
Too Simplistic
  • #29 Best Seller in Time Management on Amazon
Recommended by Steven Bartlett, Sahil Bloom, Mo Gawdat and 4 others
Steven BartlettAli is the master of productivity. Nobody has a talent for distilling complicated ideas into fun, accessible and actionable insights quite like him
Sahil BloomI have learned more about mindful productivity from Ali than anyone in the world. He is a master of simplifying complex topics and delivering actionable insights. This book is a tour de force!
Mo GawdatUtterly unlike the grumpy, besuited psychology gurus you
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Productivity Book made by AI

By TailoredRead – AI that creates personalized books for you 

| 2024 | 30-300 pages
Learn Productivity faster with a book created specifically for you by state-of-the-art AI. Our AI has vast knowledge of Productivity, and will craft a custom-tailored book for you in just 10 minutes. This tailored book addresses YOUR unique interests, goals, knowledge level, and background. Available for online reading, PDF download, and Kindle, your custom book will provide personalized insights to help you learn faster, expand your horizons, and accomplish your goals. Embark on your Productivity learning journey with a personalized book - made exclusively for you.
Recommended for: 
All readers across all knowledge levels.
You will:
  • Get a Productivity book tailored to your interests, goals, and background
  • Receive a book precisely matching your background and level of knowledge
  • Select which topics you want to learn, exclude the topics you don't
  • Define your learning goals and let your book guide you to accomplish them
  • Get all the knowledge you need consolidated into a single focused book
Highly Personalized
Easy to Read
Book Cover of Cal Newport - A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload

By Cal Newport – New York Times bestselling author (you?) 

| 2021 | 320 Pages
Recommended for: 
Knowledge workers seeking to optimize productivity and mental health in the digital age. Intermediate to Advanced readers.
You will:
  • Understand the negative impact of email on productivity and mental health in the workplace.
  • Discover the concept of the hyperactive hive mind and its effects on cognitive performance.
  • Learn about attention capital theory and its application to optimize human brain function in work environments.
  • Explore principles for creating workflows that minimize unscheduled communication and enhance productivity.
  • Realize the necessity of reimagining work processes to adapt to the changing landscape of knowledge work.
  • The Attention Capital Principle The productivity of the knowledge sector can be significantly increased if we identify workflows that better optimize the human brain’s ability to sustainably add value to information.
  • The Specialization Principle In the knowledge sector, working on fewer things, but doing each thing with more quality and accountability, can be the foundation for significantly more productivity.
  • The Process Principle Introducing smart production processes to knowledge work can dramatically increase performance and make the work much less draining.
Insightful Insights
Practical Solutions
Clear Principles
Bold Vision
Email Dependency
Productivity Drag
  • New York Times Bestseller
Recommended by Kevin Kelly, Leslie Perlow, Tim Harford and 8 others
Kevin KellyThe future of work demands new tools of collaboration. Cal Newport is on a quest to uncover better ways for knowledge workers to collaborate. Out of this will come the new work space
Leslie PerlowThis book is a call to action. Newport suggests that now is the time to reimagine work with the specific goal of optimizing our brain’s ability to sustainably add value. Don’t let your teams and organizations lose out any further—read this book to help you get started
Tim HarfordWhen a Cal Newport book appears, I drop everything and read. With evidence and examples from the cutting edge of programming to the factory floors of a century ago, Newport makes a compelling argument that we can and will do much, much better than email. Read this superb book. It might just change your life; it’s changing mine
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